Saturday, 28 September 2013

Day two in the print room!

Day two was very productive! Twenty three scarves printed leaving twenty to do on Monday!  It's great to see my ideas and creations becoming real!  Very excited to get down to London now! :)

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Print Room

First day of printing yesterday…5:30am start to get up and ready.  I had my acetates in a rather large tube, 114cm long to be precise.  I had my bag with my laptop and handbag contents and a smallish suit case with over night things and my print room bag.  Print room bag is the most important bag! Full of gum strip, masking tape, tipex, silk for testers, scissors and of course my notebook!  This is the travelling life of a printing.  It never stops and I do love it! Friends always ask where I will be and its always a mix.  Hard one to pin down I am!  

Here are some pictures from my day in the print room! :) 

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Facebook Page

I have now created a lovely Facebook page for everyone to follow to keep up to date with my business!  I will still be writing my blog but I will be posting more things on Facebook and having promotional benefits on my page.  Please like and share it!  Mucho love!

Dyeing fabric!

So yesterday was a crazy crazy day! In the dye lab 9am till 4pm with a short break! 45metres of silk dyed so that is the good news!  I also stripped and coated a few new screens ready for printing tomorrow!  Today has been a bit of an organising day for my days in the print room! I am off to pack up all my print stuff and get ready to travel down tomorrow.  My aim is to get at least 30 scarves printed  tomorrow! No pressure! I shall keep you up dated on my progress! 
Here are some lovely pictures of the dye lab and the work I did yesterday:) 

Friday, 20 September 2013

Scarf Production!

Everything is organised!  Silk has arrived...all 45 metres of it!  Dyeing all of it on Monday, that will be a long day in the lab!  The printing will take please next week and then it just leaves the finishing touches to do the week before the fair!  CANNOT WAIT! :) Shall keep you up to date with all my progress! 
Also please follow me on twitter for more updates! @ImogenThomson

Islington Contemporary Art & Design Fair

Here is our lovely little invitation to ICADF 2013! I hope you like it! :) 

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Islington Contemporary Art and Design Fair 2013

Some exciting news!!!! I will be exhibiting my work at the ICADF this year!! It's the 12th - 13th of October and the private view is 11th October 5pm - 9pm!  Very excited to get my scarves out there and see who I can meet!  My silk arrived today! All 45m of the stuff....dyeing it on Monday so that is going to be a LONG day!  Shall be printing next week as well! Everything is falling into place nicely! VERY EXCITED!  Shall keep you up dated with my progress! 

Mucho love! IT 

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Colour Mixing

I love to mix up my colour and patterns to have them popping together!  This pink and green print is one of my favourites and I feel it really works well with the yellow scarf! :) 

New Designers

Well well blog.  I feel terrible that I haven't really updated you since graduation!  Things have been pretty busy since then!  
New Designers was a wonderful experience! Met lots of lovely people and gained quite a few opportunities!  I have been back and forth to London for the past few months on business so finding the time to write has clearly been hard! I have been carefully planning things for the last few months and things are looking exciting!! CANNOT wait to get back in the print room! Shall we ordering about ten metres of silk this weekend and creation is going to happen!:) God help the bank balance after buying all that silk! 

Much love,

IT :)